A CD and a cassette tape.
The Compact Cassette, also commonly called a cassette tape, is an analog magnetic tape recording format for audio recording and playback. Invented by Lou Ottens and his team at the Dutch company Philips, the Compact Cassette was released in August 1963.
A compact disc (CD) is a flat, round, portable optical disc that stores and plays digital data. The CD gained rapid popularity in the 1990s, quickly outselling all other audio formats in the USA by 1991, ending the market dominance of the phonograph record and the cassette tape.
The first major artist to have their entire catalog converted to CD was David Bowie.
date: manufactured in the 1980's
maximum dimension:
subject area: The Arts, Technology
subject themes: music, changes in technology over time, analogue, digital
handling collection number: HC27
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